
REV OLYMPICS!! WHAT’S THAT???   Here’s the Who, What, When, Where & How.    Who:   Everyone is invited to participate!           Teams of 4.           No gender requirements.             Non-CFP members welcome to join your team.   What:  1 Afternoon. 3 Events. Tons of Fun!!  + Cookout Afterparty!!   When: Saturday, July 20th 12:00 to 3:00 for Events....
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Why are we doing this anyway? The most basic and blunt answer to this question is so we can do what we want. Plain and simple. There will come a point in your life when you are limited in what you can do physically. Your aim should be to push that point as far down...
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May Challenge is Mini Cindy! One circle per day(Cindy Based).  Cross out the circle when complete.  This challenge can be done anywhere that there is a pull-up bar.  All scaling options are fine.  Do work! A “Cindy” is: 5 pull-ups 10 push ups 15 air squats Any questions let us know. Here is the sheet...
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