WOD: A. Clean and Jerk 7 x 2 @ 90% B. 3 Rounds 7 OHS (95/65) 30 DU (2:1) 20m Crawl SPORT: A. Clean and Jerk 7 x 2 @ 90% B. 3 Rounds 7 OHS (115/85) 30 DU 30m Crawl –Results to CommentsRead more
WOD: A. Make up lift. B. 15 min AMRAP 12 FS goblet 10 single KB push press 1/.5 5 each arm 1 lap run or 250m row Sport: A. Make up Lift. B. 15 min AMRAP 12 double KB Front Squats (1.5/1) 10 Double KB push Press (1.5/1) 1 lap runRead more
WOD: A. RDL 4 sets of 5 reps B. 3 Rounds 20 Wall Balls 20/14 500m Row or 400m run 20 Russian KB Swings 2/1.5 Sport: A. RDL 4 sets of 5 reps B. 3 Rounds 20 Wall Balls 25/20 500m Row or 400m run 20 American KB Swings (2/1.5)Read more