Paleo Nick Register Here! CrossFit Progression has teamed up with Culinary Expert, Nick Massie, known in the CrossFit world as Paleo Nick. Who is Paleo Nick? Nick is and has been a professional cook for over 17 years. He has formal training in Culinary Arts and focuses much of his attention towards healthy eating and the Paleo diet. “Keep It Paleo!” Nutrition Seminar & Culinary Boot Camp This seminar will include a lecture covering “The CrossFit Diet” which is the first portion of Fitness in 100 Words. The Paleo and Zone Diets will be discussed and we’ll calculate everyone’s body composition and Zone block prescription. After lecture, we’ll break up into five teams and begin the Culinary Boot Camp. Each group will be assigned to one of the meals below and will then prepare 60+ portions, so that everyone can bring home at least 2 helpings of each meal. Each...
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