
A.  OHS – 5 x 3 w/2 Minute Rest  B.  21-18-15-12-9-6-3 OHS @ 95lb/65lb  Pull-ups  Perform 20 x Double unders after each set C.  3 x 1:30 Plank 1:1 Work/Rest Ratio  -Post results under comments  
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A1.  Pistols – 3 x 12 (Alternating)  A2.  Shoulder Touches – 3 x 10 (Alternating)  Substitute Max effort Handstand holds if you’re unable to perform shoulder touches.  B.  5 rounds AFAP:  20 x Pistols  20 x V-ups  200M Row  C.  3 x 15 Back Extensions  -Post results under comments 
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Register HERE! Got a “workout routine?” Maybe that’s the problem! CFP – Body By CrossFit provides an intense dose of powerful fitness training. For 4 weeks we combine military style training with effective functional fitness methods in a motivating format that will make you dig deeper, work harder and achieve more. What is CrossFit? A scientifically tested program of compound and multifunctional exercises performed at high intensity to quickly illicit nearly any fitness result. Elite athletes and professional level trainers utilize these same techniques. This is not your gym’s “boot camp” class. CFP – Body By CrossFit combines functional fitness, High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) and fun and intense workouts to give all trainees the results they are looking for.  We provide expert coaching and motivation to get the maximum physical and mental performance; you provide the guts and sweat. Is this for me? Absolutely, your needs and those of...
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Drew’s CFP Story  First, a little background about me. I’m 52 years old, and have always loved an active life. Skiing, hunting, fishing, skiing, biking, hiking, did I say skiing? I was a runner when I was in my teens through my 30’s (2 to 5 miles per session, 5 or more days per week)–but gotta admit I never really liked it. I liked that I could get my workout done in 40 to 60 min, and then get on with life. I switched to biking in my 30’s at the advice of Mayo sport’s medicine, and still love to do that today. Only problem is biking is great–in the summer. Riding a stationary bike is kind of like watching paint dry while you have bamboo shoots slipped under your nails. I rowed at home for many years, having purchased my very own erg.  Well, as I got older (going...
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Results at CFP. “Results” that magic word that gyms or trainers throw at you while trying to get you to sign up for their program.  We do the same thing at CFP.  We have seen results, we know they happen.  We have photographic evidence, personal accounts, WODbook numbers that all point to seemingly amazing results. So how do you get there?  How do you get these results?  Let me let you in on a little secret.  It isn’t really that hard. I have been watching these folks that get results for a couple years now.  I am a trained observer after all.  I have been on an acute psych ward for 14 years.  I know some of you suspected such things, but I was working while I was there I had the keys to get out(The only reason I got out according to some).  Trained observers notice things.  Patterns, habits,...
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