
Movement Warm-up Set  2 x Sets NFT  200M Row  10-15 x Push-ups  <-> Bear Crawl   <-> Broad Jumps   A.  15-25 Minutes Push Jerk/Split Jerk Practice  B.  5 Work Sets NFT:  5 x Heavy Push Jerks  1 minute Rest  10-15 x Ring Dips  1 minute Rest  100M Shuttle Run  90 Second Rest  -Post results under comments        
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Movement Warm-up Set  Ladder Drills Junk Yard Dog  A.  20 Minutes to work on the squat clean   B.  8 Minute AMRAP  6 x Heavy Squat Cleans  8 x OPT Chin-ups   Chin must clear directly over the pull-up bar to be considered a rep -Post results under comments  
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Movement Warm-up Set Coach’s choice  A.  Kettlebell Snatch Practice  B.  4 Rounds AFAP:  40M Farmer Carry with 45lb/25lb bumper plates in each hand! 20 x Burpees  20 x Kettlebell Snatches @ 1.5/1 pood  20 x Sit-ups  C.  Mobility  -Post results under comments  
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  For those of you who are observant, you may have noticed that there are some members that are doing their own training outside of the programmed class.   Some of you have maybe even wondered “what makes them so special?”  Others maybe don’t care.  And a few of you might actually know because you asked.   The rest of you don’t know what I’m talking about.  All of these scenarios are because we have failed to communicate this to the community as a whole.  So this is what I’m set out to do in this post.   I will refer to these individuals as the “competitors,” but they are also known as the advanced exercisers.  The name of this group of individuals is slightly deceiving because you don’t have to be a “competitor” or “advanced exerciser” to participate in this group.  Rather you simply need to have an interest in expanding...
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Movement Warm-up Set  5 x Min AMRAP  10 x Thrusters  10 x Broad Jumps  10 x Push ups  A.  SURVIVAL OF THE FITTEST  Explanation of WOD will be announced during class.  Bring socks for rope climbs and be prepared for anything.   -Post results under comments  
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