
1.  In General what is your background  Played college and professional tennis. Refused to step into a gym  2.  Age, occupation 31, Physician Assistant in a looney bin 3.  How did you get to know about CrossFit, how did you start?  JG and I work on the same unit and I’d known about it for a year. I thought it was one of those fad things. One day I just said “f@!k it”, I was tired of being a skinny b!@#h but dreaded the boring gym. Started the on ramp and have been masochisticly hooked since. 4.   How has CrossFit changed your life, life style, level of fitness I feel stronger and healthier than ever. More confidence and energy. Overall feeling like I’m awesome. 5.  Name one goal or personal record you would like to accomplish through CrossFit Snatch’s!!! Just one with perfect form at a respectable weight. 6.  Favorite...
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Movement Warm-up Set  -Line Drills  -Junk Yard Dog  -Snatch Progressions  A.  20 Minutes of Snatch work  This doesn’t mean you’re attempting a heavy 1 rep max.  Work on Technique and any area you are inadequate at.   B.  Perform AFAP  30 x Squat Snatches @ 135lb/95lb  If you don’t have the flexibility to receive the bar in a full squat, focus on receiving the bar in a 1/4 squat with arms locked out.   C.  3 x Max Effort Toes to Bar  -Post results under comments  
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Movement Warm-up Set  Line Drills   2 x Sets NFT  10 x Shoulder Touches or 20 second Handstand hold  10 x Kettlebell Cleans + Press  A.  Atlas Stone Work (Carries, Deadlifts, Ground to Shoulder)  B.  3 Rounds AFAP:  10 x TGU (5/5)  Go Heavy!  30 x Sit-ups (Advance 15 GHD Sit-ups)  20 x Box jumps   C.  Mobility if there’s time  -Post results under comments     
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Movement Warm-up Set  3 x Sets NFT 10 x Kettlebell Snatches (5/5)  10 x Wallballs  10 x Strict Pull-ups  A.  Pull-up Progressions   B.  With a Partner Alternate rounds:   6 Rounds AFAP:  400M Row  21 x Thrusters @ 65lb/45lb  15 x Pull-ups    C.  3 x 15 GHD sit-ups  -Post results under comments  
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CFP – Olympic Weightlifting Class Description Whether you just want to brush up on your Olympic lifts for an upcoming Cross-fit competition, or you want to train through a full 12-week program, CFP’s Olympic Weightlifting class can meet your needs. The main focus of the class will be to teach the Olympic lifts to the point of technical mastery. This will be done through the use of the Olympic lifts and a combination of various assistance exercises. For those who come to the class consistently, expect to follow a 12-week periodized program that will take you from beginning strength to competition ready. While there is not one perfect program that works for everyone, the goal with this starting program is to create a set of base numbers for each lifter that we can build upon and program specifically for the future. See you at the gym!   -6:30 Pm Olympic...
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