
Announcements Holiday Party is this Saturday @ CFP HQ starting at 4pm.  Bring a dish to pass around and any beverages you wish to drink.  Posting results  If you are following the program at CrossFit Progression YOU SHOULD BE POSTING ALL YOUR RESULTS UNDER THE COMMENTS.  This is not only beneficial for you but for the community as well.  This allows me to see if the program is working, your feeback is important for better programming!  GET AT IT! A.    HBBS (HIgh Bar Back Squat)  5-3-2-5-3-2 /3 min rest.  Increase each wave of 5-3-2 for ex.  1st set at 135-145-155, 2nd wave 145-155-165.  B.    3 sets not for time:  30 Kettlebell swings /30 sec Rest 15 Toes to bar /30 sec Rest 30 Jumping lunges /2 minute Rest   C.    If there’s time, (21-15-9) AFAP! Wallballs 20lb/14lb Jumping Pull-ups Competitors 1.    Max Thruster 2.    Jackie-1000m Row-50 thrusters 45lb/35lb-30 Pull-ups -Post results...
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  Twisted Sister For time: 9 – 6 – 3 Thrusters 95lb/65lb Pull – ups -Rest 5 minutes and repeat for a total of 4 cycles Competitors Twisted Sister with CTB pull ups -Post times/splits under comments
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Crossfit is a fitness program focused on maximizing a person’s potential in strength, cardiovascular endurance, respiratory endurance, power, speed, stamina, flexibility, coordination, agility, balance and accuracy. In other words, general all-around athleticism. By using constantly varied, functional movements executed at high intensity, we can improve the physical fitness, or what we call general physical preparedness, in everyone from elite athletes to sedentary office workers, kids to seniors.  It taxes both the aerobic and the anaerobic energy systems. Isolation movements have no place here. We focus on whole body, functional movement patterns that occur in activities of daily living. Core strength may be a contemporary buzzword but it is a foundation of our program.  
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The only way to find out if CrossFit Progression is for you is to come in and try us out. Our FREE introductory work-out is designed to introduce you to CrossFit Progression and the way our classes and program are structured. We’ll even show you some of our basic movements and then create a custom workout for you and test your abilities.  Schedule Free Intro Session simply send us an email at [email protected] Click on What to Expect next!
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Here’s what you should and shouldn’t expect when you come to CrossFit Progression.  Click Photo.
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