6:00PM KB CLASS A. 5 RDS -TGU L/R -Snatch 5 L/R B. 4 RDS At the top of the minute complete 10 1-Hand Swings. Rest in the Rack position. At the top of the next minute perform 1 Thruster and switch hands and repeat. -1 RD consists of 1 min. of each L/R hands and...Read More
Announcements: -The new CFP location is close to complete which means MORE space is soon to come! With more space, comes the opportunity to begin growing our community once again. We encourage you to begin inviting friends, family and anyone else to join the fun. For those interested, call [ 507-884-9370 ] or email [...Read More
Cost – $50 for members $120 for non-members This is a 4 hour seminar which will run July 13th from 12-4pm. The seminar will be ran by USAW certified coach Nic Scudamore and his assistants. Nic is also the head weightlifting coach at CrossfitProgression and of the Rochester Barbell Club. The focus of the seminar...Read More
Warm Up – something I like to do before a lift is to get in a good roll session on one of the soft rollers. It’s a good way to get the blood flowing to the muscles faster. Programming Snatch pulls + POS 2 snatch – 12 min. Clean pulls + POS 2 Clean and...Read More