QUIT THE SHAKING. You ain’t got time to shake your head in disgust after a missed lift or workout that wasn’t perfect. Every second you waste shaking your head in a negative manner is worth a 100 missed lifts or 100 bad workouts. As a coach I see it and hear about it just about everyday. It’s usually a light weight that felt heavy, or a WOD that was too slow, or didn’t count because “I” couldn’t do it RX. Just remember that your “bad workout” is someone else’s best; your 55 lb clean and jerk is something other people only dream about. Until you have truly devoted yourself to something for an extended period of time you have nothing to be dissapointed about. When I say devoted I mean you practice everyday, multiple times a day, six days a week, for 10,000 hours, for upwards of eight to ten...
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