
Benefits of Crossfit Kids at Crossfit Progression By Jen Grenell   Julie and I have a passion for working with children. We are excited to work with the kids at Crossfit Progression to hopefully set them on the right track in life, thinking that exercise is not only fun, but also an essential part of a healthy life. The benefits of having a Crossfit program for kids are many. First of all, there are a variety of physical benefits. As adults that are members of Crossfit Progression, we know that workouts can be tough. They also fit a wide variety of fitness domains. We incorporate a variety of movements from weightlifting to gymnastic movements to create an intense, and awesome workout that gets results. For kids, Crossfit workouts not only get kids moving and sweating, but there are also other neurologic and physiologic benefits of the programming. By getting the...
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[youtube=] There are still spots left for the Kettlebell Seminar with RKC instructor Jen Sinkler.  The kettlebell is one of the most efficient tools of the trade when it comes to developing power, stamina, endurance, fat loss, and overall athletic capacity.  Come join us April 28th at CFP from 11am – 4 pm for a great 5 hour work shop.  Click on this LINK to register.  The PR Challenge will be happening during regular classes this Saturday at 8 am or 10 am . You may make up the PR Challenge WOD if you’re unable to make it during any regular classes either 2 days before or after the Challenge date.   A.  20 Minutes of skill work  All evening classes will be learning how to do the RKC Clean technique with RKC instructor Cory Felderman.   B.  10 rounds AFAP:  10 x Swings Right Arm  10 x Swings Left...
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A.  Max Effort Box Jump  You may not take any steps to achieve your box jump.   B.  Wittman  7 Rounds AFAP:  15 x Kettlebell Swings @ 1.5 pood/ 1 pood “American Style Rx’d”   15 x Power Cleans @ 95lb/65lb  15 x Box Jumps @ 24inch/20inch  B1.  SCALED OPTION/RECOVERY OPTION  7 Rounds @ 75% Effort  15 x Russian Swings  15 x Sit-ups  200M Row at 75%effort  C.  MOBILITY  -Post results under comments  
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A.  Chelsea  EMOM for 30 Minutes  5 x Pull-ups  10 x Push-ups  15 x Air Squats If you’re unable to complete the entire work set before the time expires, wait until the next minute to restart the work set.  Scale accordingly.  -Post results under comments  
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A.  Cleans (Power or Full) – 5 x 3 w/2 Minute Rest  B1.  Bent Rows Reverse Grip – 3 x 10 w/60 Sec Rest B2.  RDL – 3 x 8-10 w/60 Sec Rest  C.  EMOM “Every Minute on the Minute”   for 10 Minutes  3 x Cleans (Heavy)  8 x American Swings (Heavy)  -Post results under comments
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