A. 15 – 20 Minutes of Rope Climb Practice “Bring long socks!” B1. Rope Climbs – 3 x 3 w/30 Sec Rest B2. Handstand Hold – 3 x ME “Max Effort” w/30 Sec Rest C. Annie 50-40-30-20-10 Double-unders (3:1 singles to doubles) Sit-ups -Post results under commentsRead More
A. High Bar Back Squat – 5 x 5 w/2 Min Rest B. Bulgarian Split Squats – 5 x 5 (R/L) w/60 Sec Rest 20 x Rep Back Squat – (Heavier then the previous week) C. For total time: 400M Run 25 x Burpee 500M Row 25 x Burpee 400M Run -Post results under comments...Read More
Andrew “Roo” Yori is a certified CrossFit instructor at CrossFit Progression in Rochester, MN. A life long athlete, Roo has competed in multiple sports throughout his years. His main sport, which he started at the age of 4, played as a 4 year starter in college, and continues to enjoy today, is soccer. Roo is also a National Champion and...Read More
Shawn Vinz is a level 1 CrossFit Coach at CrossFit Progression in Rochester MN. Shawn started CrossFit in November of 2010 and competed on Team CFP at the 2011 CrossFit North Central Regionals. He is an active Triathlete with a goal of completing an Ironman. He has played Hockey for 20 years. He played Division 1...Read More
Cory Felderman is a RKC Kettlebell coach at Crossfit Progression. He is a level 1 certified Russian Kettlebell Challenge RKC instructor. Cory has been working with kettlebells since 2009. Cory found kettlebells as a great way to build strength and endurance while complementing his high volume training for long distance events. He has run many...Read More
Addison Bain Demonstrating the Snatch Complex [youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3ciaYOJ7_ys] -There will be no beginner classes for May 18th and the 21st at 8 am for next week. Open hours will still be available during these days. -June 2nd CFP will be hosting a community workout for adults and kids at 12 pm. All friends and family members...Read More
A. Deadlifts – 5 x 3 w/90 Sec Rest B. Perform the Following: 3 Minute AMRAP 5 x Deadlifts @ 65% of 1 rep 10 x Bar Facing Burpees 2 Minute Rest 4 Minute AMRAP 10 x Russian Swings 10 x Goblet Squats 3 Minute Rest 5 Minute AMRAP 20 x Double-unders 20 x Thrusters...Read More
A. 15 Minutes of Kettlebell Snatch work B. AFAP: 30 x Kettlebell Snatches 400M Run 30 x Box Jumps 20 x Kettlebell Snatches 400M Run 20 x Box Jumps 10 x Kettlebell Snatches 400M Run 10 x Box Jumps C. 3 Rounds NFT: 15 x V-ups 20 x Russian Twists 25 x Flutter Kicks -Post...Read More
A. Weighted Pull-ups or Strict Pull-ups with a Partner – 3 x 8-10 w/90 Sec Rest B1. Barbell Row Chin-up Grip – 3 x 8 (Heavy) w/60 Sec Rest B2. Ring Dips – 3 x 10 w/60 Sec Rest C. 2 Rounds Unbroken 50 x UB DU or 150 x Singles 30 x UB Russian...Read More