
Personal Trainer
Have you ever prepared for a difficult challenge of any sort and then felt a letdown after the event or test? For many of us, this is very normal. Figuring that out is the first step to understanding. Our species did not get to where we are by being satisfied with the status quo. The...
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You are marketed quick fixes—Thirty days to health programs and food elimination diets.   “Man, once these thirty days are done, I am going to be so fit and healthy!” Does that even make sense?   We know that your health markers start to deteriorate in as little as 5 days of not working out, and...
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In my freshman year of college I was required to take a speech class. Aside from the fact that death was probably preferable to me, I did take away a lot of value from that class. Small pond to big pond and all that stuff, I will save for another post. Today being Christmas, I...
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