Fitness A1. Back Squats – 5 x 5 w/3 Min Rest A2. Strict Pull-ups x 5 – After each set of squats B. EMOM – 15 Mins 1st Min – 5 x Deadlifts 2nd Min – 15 – 20 x Sit-ups 3rd Min – 10 x Alternating Lunges (5 Sets total for each movement) ...Read More
Fitness A. Every 90 Sec for 6 Sets 8-10 x BB Push Presses 10 x Russian Swings B. 8 Min AMRAP 5 x Power Swings Heavy 10 x Divers Performance A. Every 90 Sec for 6 Sets 3 x Snatches B. 8 Min AMRAP 3 x Power Cleans @ 185lb/115lb 10 x T2B or Toes...Read More
2014 training begins this week 6:00 PM KB CLASS A. 4 RDS -7 KB DL -5 R/L PRESS B. 5 RDS -7 R/L SNATCH -5 R/L LUNGE -10M CRAWL FORWARDS/BACKWARDS C. 6 RDS 50 M SPRINTS Read More
Fitness A. 4 Sets 8 x BB Strict Press 45 Sec Rest 8 x Ring Rows 45 Sec Rest B. 10 Rounds 150M Row/Run 7 x Ring Rows 7 x Squats 7 x Push-ups Performance A. Establish a 10 Rep Front Squat B. Bulger 10 Rounds AFAP 150M Row/Run 7 x C2B Pull-ups 7 x...Read More
Fitness A. EMOM – 10 Mins Even – 10 x Heavy Goblet Squats Odd – 10 x Heavy Russian Swings B. 10 Min AMRAP 10 x Box Step-ups 10 x Wallballs Performance A. EMOM – 10 Mins 1 x Clean&Jerk B. 10 Min AMRAP 10 x Box Jumps @ 24inch/20inch (Step down) 10 x Wallballs...Read More
Fitness A. 3 Sets 8/8 x Bulgarian Split Squats 45 Sec Rest 8 x Power Swings 45 Sec Rest 30 Sec Side Planks (Both sides) 45 Sec Rest B. W/a Partner 2000M Row @ 200m Row intervals 20M <-> Shuttle Runs x 10 “You go I go” Performance A. 3 Sets 8/8 x BB Split...Read More
Rumor has it that children are not suppose to heavy lift weights because it will stunt the growth of their height and other growth plates. This is a perception that parents have been led to believe by misinformation and poor research. If we look at this from a non-scientific based idea, do you as...Read More
Crawling is a great reset. Resets are used to offset our daily habits that negatively effect our movement patterns (ex. sitting for prolonged periods, constant stress and stimulation, long periods of inactivity). Resets are simple forms of active rest that improve your performance during workouts or can be used as the workout themselves. In...Read More
Fitness A. EMOM – 10 Mins Even – 5 x Strict Pull-ups Odd – 5-10 x Close Grip Push-ups B. 15 Min AMRAP 50 x Single-unders 20 x Russian Swings 10 x Alternating Lunges Performance A. Establish a 10 Rep Push Press B. 15 Min AMRAP 30 x Double-unders 20 x American Swings @ 1.5...Read More