Daily Announcements The CFP PR challenge and Holiday Party are on January 19th. The PR challenge will start at 9 am – 12 pm and the Holiday Party starts at 7 pm and ends at 10 pm. There will be NO Kettlebell Classes this Saturday the 12th. CFP is proud to host the level 1 Pendlay Weight Lifting seminar by...Read More
Daily Announcements Saturday January 5th is bring a friend day at CFP. Bring a friend to any of the regular classes to try out a free workout! Competitors Prep class will be this Saturday at 12 pm – 1:30 pm. This class is open to all levels. CFP Boot Camp starts January 7th and meets weekly for 5...Read More
Daily Announcements Saturday January 5th is bring a friend day at CFP. Bring a friend to any of the regular classes to try out a free workout! Competitors Prep class will be this Saturday at 12 pm – 1:30 pm. This class is open to all levels. CFP Boot Camp starts January 7th and meets weekly for 5...Read More
Daily Announcements Saturday January 5th is bring a friend day at CFP. Bring a friend to any of the regular classes to try out a free workout! Competitors Prep class will be this Saturday at 12 pm – 1:30 pm. This class is open to all levels. CFP Boot Camp starts January 7th and meets weekly for 5...Read More
Daily Announcements Saturday January 5th is bring a friend day at CFP. Bring a friend to any of the regular classes to try out a free workout! Competitors Prep class will be this Saturday at 12 pm – 1:30 pm. This class is open to all levels. CFP Boot Camp starts January 7th and...Read More
Happy New Year! There will be regular classes at 10am and 11am today! A. Take 20 Minutes to work up to a 5 rep max Back Squat B. 15 Minute AMRAP 5 – 10 – 15 – 20 – 25 – 30 – 35 – 40 – 45 …. Double-unders Russian Swings Walking Lunges -Post...Read More
Starting January 7th CFP will be incorporating a new program template for CrossFit classes to better meet the needs and goals for our members. This new program template is designed to challenge everyone from the 20 something athlete to the 40 year old soccer mom to ensure that all leveled members are achieving their fitness...Read More
-Athlete Training Session at 12 pm for all leveled athletes. Focus will be on movement efficiency and practice. A. AFAP 500M Row 20 x OHS @ 135lb/95lb 20 x T2B 500M Row 20 x Hang Power Cleans @ 135lb/95lb 20 x Kettlebell Swings @ 2 pood/1.5 pood 500M Row 20 x Front Squats...Read More
A. Take 10 Minutes to build up to a heavy but not maximal Clean&Jerk B. Take 10 Minutes to build up to a heavy 3 rep max Back Squat C. AFAP 21-15-9 Push Press @ 115lb/85lb (Adv. 135lb/95lb) Bar Facing Burpees -Post results under comments Read More
A. Take 10 Minutes to build up to a heavy but not maximal Snatch B. 20 Min EMOM Novice: Even – 6 – 8 x Deadlifts @ 135lb/95lb Odd – 30 Seconds of DU Attempts Intermediate: Even – 3 x Snatches @ 60% Odd – 40 Seconds of DU Attempts Advance: Even – 3 x...Read More