
**** Turkey Throwdown ****   Are you signed up for a Team?…let’s do this! the Turkey Throwdown is an annual CFP tradition. Compete with your friends or make new ones and form a team. The WOD’s are real, but it’s all for fun. Compete in the AMCAP “As Many Cans As Possible”…CFP’s can collection for Channel 1...
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  Function: A.) 10 min. EMOM 3 KB Snatches (L/R) B.) For Time: with a partner accumulate: – 50 Pull-ups – 50 Cal Bike – 50 DB Snatch – 50 Cal Bike – 50 Burpees – 50 Cal Bike   Perform / Rx A.) 10 min. EMOM Position 1 Snatch 2 reps @ 65% try to...
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  No Classes today.  3rd annual Turkey Throwdown! Festivities will start at 9am sharp so make sure you show up before hand to talk strategy and to warm up with your team.
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Daily Announcements Saturday January 5th is bring a friend day at CFP.  Bring a friend to any of the regular classes to try out a free workout!   Competitors Prep class will be this Saturday at 12 pm – 1:30 pm.  This class is open to all levels. CFP Boot Camp starts January 7th and...
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