Just a friendly reminder that there are no regular classes this Saturday due to the Whole Life Challenge. [youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1gZvbB7nXqQ] A. Take 20 Minutes to work up to the heaviest set possible for the following complex – Shankle Complex – 3 + Hang Cleans Pulls w/Shrug + 1 Hang Clean + 2 Jerk B. AFAP ...Read More
A. Take 15 minutes to practice Ring Dips, Muscle-ups, Ring HSPU B1. Push Press (Behind the neck) – 3 x 5 w/30 Sec Rest B2. Strict Pull-ups – 3 x ME w/30 Sec Rest B3. Ring dips – 3 x ME w/30 Sec Rest B4. Power Swings (Heavy) – 3 x 10 w/30 Sec Rest ...Read More
A. Partner WOD 25 Min AMRAP You go I go Partner 1: 15 x Swings 10 x Burpees Partner 2: Row for Meters On the completion of 15 Swings and 10 burpees, partner 1 will rotate to the rower, and partner 2 will rotate to the couplet. Score = Total completed rounds and...Read More
A. Back Squat – 7 x 1 @ 90%-95% w/2 Min Rest B. AFAP 3 Rounds 21 x Front Squats @ 95lb/65lb 15 x Pull-ups 9 x Push Presses Rest 1 Min after each round -Post results under comments Read More
There will be no regular classes this Saturday due to the Whole life Challenge Finals. All members not participating in the WLC are welcome to come to support the finals. Sunday’s mobility class is being moved from 3pm to 10am starting November 11th. A. Take 20 Minutes to work up to the heaviest...Read More
A. Front Squats – 5 x 2 @ 80%-85% w/2 Min Rest B. 2 Rounds AFAP 100 x Double unders (200 singles) 75 x Kettlebell Swings @ 1.5/1 pood 50 x Push Press @ 75lb/55lb Rest 5 Minutes between rounds -Post results under comments Read More
A. Take 20 Minutes to Practice or Establish a new 1 rep Max Snatch B. Partner Isabel 60 x Snatches @ 135lb/95lb or 65% or 1 rep max You go I go sets of 5 with your partner C. 150 x Medball Sit-ups with a partner -Post results under comments Read More
In general, what is your background? I grew up in Rochester MN, went to Mayo high school, graduated in 1994. I was also was married that year, yes, I got married very young. I have 4 kids, 3 boys and a girl, 21, 18, 15 and 13. For many years I just raised the kids....Read More
A. “Tommy Mac” 2 Rounds AFAP 12 x Burpees 12 x Thrusters 12 x Burpees 12 x Power Snatch 12 x Burpees 12 x Push Jerks 12 x Burpees 12 x Hang Squat Cleans 12 x Burpees 12 x OHS Novice – 8 reps per movement @ 65lb/45lb Intermediate – 10 reps per movement @...Read More