A. Shoulder Press – 3 x 5 w/90 Sec Rest B. 10 Minute AMRAP Alternating TGU C. 3 Rounds AFAP 200M Row 20 x Push-ups 20 x Wallballs @ 20lb/14lb 15 Min Cap -Post results under comments Read More
A. Front Squats – 5 x 5 w/2 Min Rest B. 8 Min AMRAP 2-2-4-4-6-6-8-8-10-10……. Front Squats @ 135lb/95lb Pull-ups (Advance CTB Pull-ups) C. 100 x Lying Leg Raises -Post results under comments Read More
There are 4 spots left for the “Keeping it Paleo” cooking seminar with Nick Massie. This is a great opportunity for anyone wanting to improve their paleo cooking skills! A. EMOM – 10 Minutes – 2 x Snatches @ 65%-80% B. AFAP 100 x Double-under buy in (2 Min Cap) 15-12-9 Deadlifts @ 225lb/185lb...Read More
Thoughts….. As our community continues to grow day by day, week to week, I can’t help stop the feeling of happiness of what we have, what CFP means to me, and how CFP has affected so many lives. 3 years ago CFP was a dream, a fantasy more than reality. Never in my mind did...Read More
Shanna is originally from Montana, where she was an avid softball player and competed in powerlifting. She played 1 year of division 1 softball at Idaho State University before deciding to focus on her career goals. In 2010, Shanna graduated from the University of Montana with an exercise science degree. She is currently a student...Read More
Why we Olympic Lift -Doug Chapmen (Owner of HyperFit USA) We teach the Olympic lifts to regular, ordinary everyday people. Why? Our people will probably never lift in a meet, though I think it would be cool. Let’s think about it: Think about training coordination. To execute any of the lifts, there a symphony of...Read More
-The Lazy Paleo Guy The WLC has eliminated one of my favorite side dishes of all time…RICE. So recently while shopping for some cheap veggies in the frozen foods I stumbled upon a bag of Cauliflower and thought to myself…”I bet I could make a mean dish of fried rice with this”. The best part...Read More
A. Back Squats – 4 x 8 w/2 Min Rest B. 6 Rounds AFAP 20 x OH Walking Lunges 45lb/25lb 15 x Pull-ups 10 x Wallballs @ 20lb/14lb C. 3 x 30 Seconds Hollow Rocks -Post results under comments Read More