Scott’s Story I was one of the first people to join CrossFit Progression in the fall of 2009. I had just finished my first rugby season and was more than a little frustrated. For some reason I thought I would still have the body and endurance of a college football player, but I quickly found...Read More
A. In teams of 2-3 perform as many reps as possible of: For 2 rounds: Sand Bag Sprints Tire Flips Prowler Pushes Sled Pulls Ball Slams Partner Farmer Carries Air Dyne for Calories Rope Pulls Groups have 90 seconds at each station with a 30 second transition phase to move onto the next station. Movement...Read More
A. Snatch Review B1. 10 Minute AMRAP: 10 x Hang Power Snatches @ 45lb/65lb 10 x Burpees 10 x Hollow Rocks B2. Open Athletes only, 10 Minute AMRAP: 30 x Snatches @ 75lb/45lb 30 x Snatches @ 135lb/75lb 30 x Snatches @ 165lb/100lb As many snatches for the rest of the period @ 210lb/120lb -Post...Read More
A. 15 minutes to work on the squat or power clean. B. 5 x 3 minute AMRAPS of: 6 x Power Cleans 9 x Push-ups 12 x Box jumps Rest 3 minutes after each round -Post results under comments Read More
A. 5 Rounds AFAP: 9 x Thrusters @ 95lb/65lb 9 x Pull-ups Rest 10 minutes and then… 3 Rounds AFAP: 300M Row 20 x Wallballs 10 x Kettlebell Swings 2 pood/1.5 pood You have the option to perform both workouts or choose one only. -Post results under comments Read More
A. Deadlift – 3 x 3 w/2 minute Rest B. Bent over rows (Clean grip) – 3 x 8 C. 4 Rounds AFAP 5 x Heavy Deadlifts 20 x Bar facing burpee 3 minute rest between each round -Post results under commentsRead More
We watched our son Shawn and his fiancé Staci be members of the Crossfit community and knew it was something special. As a family we’ve always believed in fitness and staying active – it keeps you healthy and it keeps you young. But this was something more, this was like being part of a team,...Read More
A. Back Squats – 3 x 3 w/2 minute rest B. 8 minute AMRAP 8 x OHS or F-Squats (Choose either option) 16 x Sit-ups 32 x Double unders ……. Rest 5 minutes and then: ……. 6 minute AMRAP 60m x Shuttle Run <-> x 3 times 10 x K2E 20 x Walking Lunges...Read More
A. With a Partner for time: 10 x Partner Shuttle Runs 90 x Wallballs 90 x Kettlebell swings 90 x Medball sit-ups 8 x Partner Shuttle Runs 60 x Wallballs 60 x Kettlebell swings 60 x Medball sit-ups 6 x Partner Shuttle Runs 30 x Wallballs 30 x Kettlebell swings 30 x Medball sit-ups ...Read More
Nic Scudamore is the Olympic Weightlifting coach at CrossFit Progression. He is a certified level 1 club coach through USA weightlifting’s certifications standards. Nic has been coaching and competing in Olympic style Weightlifting since 2008. The highlight of his weight lifting career came in 2010 when he competed at the National Junior Weightlifting Championships, which...Read More