Personal Training Room At Progression Fitness in Rochester MN Personal Training. The single most effective way of getting to your goals as fast as possible. Personal training is the Ferrari of fitness training. Group classes would be your Cadillac, and pay to walk in the door gyms would be your Fords. Now I drive Fords....Read More
In my freshman year of college I was required to take a speech class. Aside from the fact that death was probably preferable to me, I did take away a lot of value from that class. Small pond to big pond and all that stuff, I will save for another post. Today being Christmas, I...Read More
Yesterday I talked about The Longevity Game. Health is not a six-week challenge, and it is not a 21 day cleanse. It is not a 12-week bootcamp. However, this is what is being sold to you daily. Today I will discuss how we changed from Playing the short game to playing the longevity game. Always...Read More
1. Better Mental Acuity Multiple studies have shown that exercise improves cognitive ability. In his book “Spark,” Dr. John Ratey shows how exercise helps improve focus, fights depression, and helps us make better decisions. A sharp mind gives a professional the ability to think through projects. It provides the entrepreneur with the space to develop...Read More
I was on a bike ride last night with the Father(Dad) of two young bikers. They had recently been accepted onto an Olympic prep biking team. What got them there? The young bikers’ parents hired a coach. “I would just burn them out. We would go out and ride for 6 hours sometimes, just because...Read More
Monday Member Spotlight! Happy Five Year Progression Anniversary Linda Gates! Watch the video to learn all about Linda inside and outside of the gym! She’s a real gem. It’ll make your Monday brighter to watch this one. Enjoy!
We’ve had a blast getting to know Cassie over the past year and a half and we think you will too. She’s the founder and CEO of First Steps Academy now with three locations here in Rochester. First Steps is a great place for your kids to grow and develop. Staff also have many great...Read More