Congrats to all the CFP athletes who raced this past Saturday 6:00 PM KB CLASS A. 12 RDS DOUBLE KB COMPLEX – 2 CLEANS -1 PRESS -3 FRONT SQUATS B. 5 RDS -8 DBL KB SWINGS -5 PULL UPS -5 R/L SNATCH Read More
Fitness A. 4 Sets 8 x Goblet Squats 45 Sec Rest 8/8 x Kettlebell Row 45 Sec Rest B. 3 x 2 Min AMRAPs 100M Buy in Sprint AMRAP of: 10 x Ball Slams 10/10 x Mountain Climbers 2min – RBR (Rest Between Rounds) Performance A1. Pause Back Squats – 5 x 3 A2. Strict...Read More
Fitness A. EMOM – 10 Mins Even – 10 x Russian Swings Odd – 20 Sec Side Plank (Palms) – both sides B. Complete AFAP 30 – 20 – 10 Push-ups Sit-ups Squats Performance A. EMOM – 10 Mins Even – 3 x Power Snatches Odd – 3 x Push Presses Weights should be the...Read More
THE WHOLE LIFE CHALLENGE Unique Community Discount Code (UCDC): WLCRYGBsbPoc Unique Community Discount Link (UCDL): Both our CODE and our LINK will do two things: Give you a $5 discount on registration Register you with OUR Community PRICING Regular price of the Challenge $49 Early registration price $44 Player discount applies to both regular and...Read More
The Natural, the person who from birth was perfect at whatever they chose to be. The Natural, the person at work who never seems to make a mistake, they are the person that is always right and always has all of the answers. The Natural, the teammate who doesn’t need to practice they just play....Read More
Announcing the Whole Life Challenge is something that I have done everyday for the past few weeks. I get a variety of responses to the question, “Have you signed up yet?” This is usually followed up by the question of, “Why not?” Another varitey of responses then follows, then a variety of avoidance like tactics....Read More