A. Weighted Box Jumps – 3 x 5 @ 24inch/20inch w/60 Sec Rest Use dumbbells, kettlebells, or a weighted vest. B. 5 x 3 Minute AMRAP 10 x Kettlebell Swings @ 1.5 pood /1 pood 10 x Box Jumps @ 24inch/20inch Russian or American swings can be used. 3 minute Rest after each round...Read More
Congratulations to all Participants of the PR Challenge, almost everyone PR’d!!!! The winners are: 1. Cally Vinz: Pre PR WOD – 7 Rounds, Post PR WOD – 9 + 35 2. Jeanne Schuld: Pre PR WOD – 7 + 8, Post PR WOD – 9 + 12 3. Scott O’Reilly: Pre PR WOD – 6...Read More
[youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=tm9k_1tgdlg] A. Partner Fight Gone Bad With a partner complete 3 rounds with a 1:30 of work at each movement: Wallballs Russian Kettlebell Swings 1.5 pood / 1 pood Box Jumps Push Press 75lb/55lb Row for Calories Rest Only 1 partner is allowed to work at a time, score = total reps of all three...Read More
Todd’s Story What lead to me joining Crossfit Progression?….To answer that question I’d like to give you a snapshot of my previous life (known as life before crossfit). It started with me getting up three mornings a week to go to the gym, followed by a day at work. Then, approximately one year ago, I...Read More
-Your REFERRAL is the ultimate indication of your trust, which means the world to us. We invest 100% of our time and energy to deliver the best coaching, value, and results to our members. Because we are interested in continuing to build a strong community and life long relationships, we have started a referral program...Read More
A. Cleans – 5 x 3 w/2 Minute Rest B. PR WOD 15 Minute AMRAP 5 x Front Squats 10 x Pull-upss 20 x Double unders C. Core work – Coach’s choice -Post results under comments Read More
A. Snatch – 5 x 2 w/2 Minute Rest B. 5 Rounds AFAP 5 x Snatch @ 135lb/95lb 10 x Ring Push-ups 20 x Russian Swings 2 pood/1.5 pood C. 100 x Hollow Rocks -Post results under comments Read More
A. 15 Minutes of Stone Work B. EMOM for 10 Minutes 3 x Ground to Shoulder Atlas Stones (Go HEAVY) C. Death By 10 Meters <-> On minute perform 1 x 10M Run, 2nd minute 2 x 10M Run, 3rd minute 3 x 10M Run…. -Post results under commentsRead More
A. 5 Minute AMRAP Double-Unders B. Shoulder Press – 5 x 3 w/2 Minute Rest C. 20 Minute AMRAP 10 x Wallballs 10 x Sit-ups 10 x Burpees -Post results under comments Read More
Benefits of Crossfit Kids at Crossfit Progression By Jen Grenell Julie and I have a passion for working with children. We are excited to work with the kids at Crossfit Progression to hopefully set them on the right track in life, thinking that exercise is not only fun, but also an essential part of...Read More