Function: A.) DB Floor Press 4×10 Finish…… 1x ME push ups B.) 4 rounds 10 HR Push-ups 15 ring rows 20 Sit-ups 25 Air Squats RX/Perform: A.) Floor Press 4×10 Finish…… 1x ME push ups B.) 4 rounds 10 HSPU 15 ring rows 20 Sit-ups 25 Air Squats Compete: A.) Floor Press / Incline Bench...Read More
Function: A.) Bent Over Row 4×10 Single Leg RDL’s 4×5 B.) 16 min AMRAP 100 single unders 15 Burpees 10 Dbl KB Push Press (1.5/1) RX/Perform: A.) Bent Over Row 4×10 Single Leg RDL’s 4×5 B.) 16 min AMRAP 60 Dubs 15 Burpees 10 CJ (115/75) 60 Dubs 15 Burpees 10 CJ (135/85) 60 Dubs...Read More
Function: 4 rounds A.) KB Push Press 4×5 * In between sets…. x10 Bent over rows w/ KB B.) 20 min AMRAP 10 cal row/bike/ski 10 Burpees Every 2 min perform 3 heavy dbl KB power swings including start. Perform/RX 4 rounds A.) Push Press *Clean from ground 4×5 * In between sets…. x10 Bent over...Read More
Function: A.) Double KB OHS 5×3 *In between 20 second HS hold B.) 4 rounds Bear crawl <-> 15 Medball Slams (20/15) 2 lap run Perform/RX A.) OHS From Ground 5×3 *In between 20 second HS hold B.) 4 rounds HS walk -> 15 Medball Slams (30/20) 400 m run Compete: A.) OHS From Ground...Read More
Function: A.) Make up Lift B.) 5 rounds 10 leg raises (hanging or lying) 10 KB Snatch (5L/5R) Or 20 1 arm swings (10L/10R) Perform/RX: A.) Make up Lift or Front Squats Heavy 3 rep w/ Pause 1st rep B.) 5 rounds 10 T2B 10 Hang Snatch (95/65) Compete: A.) Make up Lift or Front...Read More
Function: A.)Turkish Get up. 5×2(L/R) Work up to heavy bell. B.) 21-15-9 Med Ball Cleans(25/20) Burpees Perform/RX: A.) Clean and Jerk Heavy single B.) 21-15-9 Squat Cleans (95/65) Burpees Compete: A.) Clean and Jerk Heavy single B.) 21-15-9 Squat Cleans (135/95) Burpees -Results to BTWB! Read More
Function: A.) Single KB OHS 4×3 *In between 20 second HS hold B.) 5 rounds 10-15 burpees 400 m row Perform/RX A.) OHS From Ground 4×3 *In between 20 second HS hold B.) 5 rounds 15 Box Jump (30/24) 400 m row Compete: A.) OHS From Ground A.) OHS From Ground 4×3 *In between 20 second...Read More
All levels: KB Shuttle x5 – Suitcase Carry KB to half way Sprint to the grass, and back to KB Then Suitcase carry with other hand back to start *rest 30 seconds Function: B.) 4 rounds 15 Dbl KB Push Press 15 Leg Raises 15 Step ups (24/20) Perform/RX: B.) 4 rounds 15 HSPU or...Read More
Function: A.) Single KB OHS 6×3 *In between 20 second HS hold B.) 4 rounds 100 single unders 10 Heavy Goblet Squats Perform/RX: A.) OHS from Ground 6×3 *In between 20 second HS hold B.) 4 rounds 50 Dubs 10 OHS (95/65) Compete: A.) OHS from Ground 6×3 *In between 20 second Free standing...Read More