
Progression Blog
Eat less, exercise more. This is the advice you hear all the time from pretty much everyone. Weight loss is easy! You just eat fewer calories than you burn! And you burn more calories the more you exercise. Wham bam, all your problems are solved!   Excellent! But what does this actually look like in real...
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In Simon Sinek’s “The Infinite Game” he focuses on businesses and how they “Win”. As I was reading this book, I noticed the similarities between this mindset and the mindset that is most successful for health and fitness as well. We know there is no winning the game. Death always wins (Currently). The goal is...
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Your metabolism is the rate at which your body burns energy. Your body uses calories for energy, like your car uses gas for fuel. You need calories to power your body’s systems, such as digestion and circulation. But you also need calories to move. When you eat too many calories, you store them as fat....
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You started out strong. You got stronger.  Your motivation was high, you were getting better, you were consistent. You started feeling better, your friends and family noticed.    Something changed. You got bored. Or maybe your gym got shut down.   You got bored with the programming. You got bored with the diet. You got bored...
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Progression Fitness– After twelve years in business, we know how to achieve your long-term body composition and health goals This isn’t a theory, 100s of success stories. We have success in working with every type of person. Some people will have success with any program. You may even see this person in 3-4 different gym...
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Spring is just around the corner. Maybe you have fallen off the wagon, or perhaps you have yet to find the wagon. Now is a great time to set some goals for the spring and summer. Here are some ways to help. Think about your past or current goals. Are these still interesting to you?...
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“Abs Girl” This is “Abs girl.” This photo alone is responsible for millions of dollars in gym sales. This one photo got 1000s of people to buy stuff. Is she why you clicked on this post? But having showing ab muscles is not a sign of health or fitness. It is common in the young,...
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We will have two challenges in March this year. One based on the open workouts and one for Pull-ups! Here they are! Open Challenge sheet! Pull-Up Challenge sheet!Talk to a coach for more info on the Open challenge.
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Earned confidence. Earned confidence is a term I first heard explained by Jason Khalipa in his book. ‘As Many Reps as Possible“ We are told to be more confident a lot during our early years, at least I was. But no one ever stopped to go beyond that and tell us how to be gain...
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Happy Valentine’s day! The history of Valentine’s day is fascinating and worth a read today. You can read about it here. There are many legends of St. Valentine. My favorite is that he married Christian soldiers who were forbidden to marry and ministered to the persecuted Christians in the Roman Empire. I am a fan...
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