Many people want to know exactly how to build muscle in the upper back. For some, it’s about aesthetics: They want to add size and definition to their trapezius muscles, latissimus dorsi, deltoids and rhomboids. Other people want to prevent or rehab injuries by building up the muscles of the rotator cuff: the supraspinatus, infraspinatus,...Read More
If you want to get fit, lose weight or add muscle, how long do your workouts need to be? The answer will depend on who’s asking and the person’s exact goals. But here are some general guidelines. The average person who wants to improve general fitness and health can accomplish a great deal in 60...Read More
Many people who are thinking about exercising want to know how fast you can gain fitness. And current exercisers often want to know how fast you lose fitness if you stop training. Here are your answers! Gaining Fitness: It Only Takes Weeks We have great news for you: If you haven’t been working out, you...Read More
Part 2 of the Rage On Series. Part 1 is HERE. You may have heard about “Zone 2” in the gym. Or you may have heard about it from me. A lot of new research is coming in on the benefits of Zone 2 exercise to us humans. What is Zone 2? Zone 2 is...Read More
Rochester Minnesota Can you build strength after 40? Absolutely! Many people think that we get weaker as we get older. And it’s true that we’ll all experience some physical decline as we age. But it’s a fact that strength can be improved at any age, and older adults who train regularly can become incredibly strong. They...Read More
I will get right to the point. No. There are two groups of people. Those that need the accountability, need the gym because they won’t do it on their own. Over the summer even with the best of intentions of swimming, running, and sports, with the warmer weather, also comes vacations, BBQs, parties, drinking, and...Read More
Have you ever prepared for a difficult challenge of any sort and then felt a letdown after the event or test? For many of us, this is very normal. Figuring that out is the first step to understanding. Our species did not get to where we are by being satisfied with the status quo. The...Read More
What brought you to Progression Fitness in Rochester MN? A good friend invited me to a friends and family day When do you usually work out? 5:30pm What is your favorite exercise movement? Cleans What is your most hated exercise movement? Ring Dips What is your clean food? Any lean meat What is your favorite...Read More
Murph is coming! Read the post and get ready for the biggest work out of the year in Rochester, MN. As a Progressionite, you love to hate Murph. One of the longest Hero WODs and arguably the hardest. If you have never participated in our Murph event, You should plan on it this year. May...Read More