Movement Warm-up Set 2 x sets w/Barbell 10 x Hang Power Cleans 10 x Front Squats 10 x Press 10 x HBBS A. Bear Complex x 5 Rounds 7 x sets of the following sequence: Power Clean Front Squat Push Press Back Squat Push Press -Rest as needed between rounds, you are not allowed to...Read More
Notes-The Olympic Lifting Class agenda will be the following: Tuesday-Snatch Thursday-Clean&Jerk Saturday-Auxillary lifts and make up We will no longer post the workouts up on the website for Oly lifting. Movement Warm-up Set GROUP WARM-UP A. Push Press – 5 x 3 w/2 min rest B. AFAP: 30-20-10 Box jumps Calorie Row Ball...Read More
Movement Warm-up Set 500M Row 2 x Sets NFT 10 x Barbell Front Squats 10 x Push ups 10 x Box jumps “games standard” 5 minutes to work on any mobility “Crash victim, Couch stretch..” A. GATOR 8 Rounds AFAP: 5 x Front Squats @ 185lb/135lb 26 x Ring Push-ups -Scale accordingly, beginner and intermediate...Read More
Movement Warm-up Set Junk Yard Dog Warm-up Clean & Jerk Progressions A. 15-20 Minutes to work up to a heavy single C&J B. AFAP: 30 x C&J @ 155lb/105lb OLYMPIC WEIGHT LIFTING CLASS 1. HBBS – 5 x 5 @ set weight 2. Snatch – 5 – 8 singles “increase weight by 5-10 lbs from...Read More
Movement Warm-up Set 8 Minute AMRAP @ warm-up pace 10 x Jumping Pull-ups 10 x Broad jumps 10 x Lying leg raises A. “Angie” AFAP: 100 x Pull-ups 100 x Push-ups 100 x Sit-ups 100 x Air Squats B. 1000M Row @ 65% Effort -Post results under comments Read More
Movement Warm-up Set 2 x Sets NFT 10 x Good morning stretch with PVC 10 x Kettlebell Deadlifts 10 x Medball Slams 2 x <-> Skipping (shoot for maximal height!) Take an additional 5 minutes to work on any Mobility issues A. Deadlift – 5 x 3 w/2-3 minute rest (increase weight each...Read More
Movement Warm-up Set 2 x Sets NFT 10 x Muscle Snatch 10 x Power Snatch 10 x Snatch A. 20 Minutes to work on the Snatch. Work on any deficiencies you may have Ex… overhead squat, starting position, finishing…… B. 3 Rounds AFAP 21 x Burpees 21 x Kettlebell swings 21 x Wallballs 20lb/14lb ...Read More
Movement Warm-up Set 3 Sets NFT: 1 x 30 Sec Handstand hold 1 x 60 Sec Plank hold 15 x Push-ups 60 x Mountain climbers A. Bench Press – 3-2-1-3-2-1 w/2 min rest B. 75 x TGU AFAP OLYMPIC LIFTING CLASS 30 minutes to work on a heavy but not your 1 rep...Read More
Movement Warm-up Set 500M Row 1 x Set NFT 15 x Medball Deadlifts 15 x Medball Front Squats 15 x Medball Shrug and Drops 15 x Medball Cleans A. Power Cleans – 4 x 3 TNG w/2 min rest B. Clean Pulls (HEAVY) – 4 x 2 w/1 min rest C. 8 Min AMRAP: ...Read More
Addison is a certified CrossFit Instructor at CrossFit Progression in Rochester MN. He started CrossFit in february of 2011. Prior to CrossFit Addison raced on the UCI european cycling circuit for Geox Fuji Test Team. Outside of CrossFit he enjoys competing in triathlon. He grew up being active in the sports of wrestling and track....Read More