Why are we doing this anyway? The most basic and blunt answer to this question is so we can do what we want. Plain and simple. There will come a point in your life when you are limited in what you can do physically. Your aim should be to push that point as far down...Read More
May Challenge is Mini Cindy! One circle per day(Cindy Based). Cross out the circle when complete. This challenge can be done anywhere that there is a pull-up bar. All scaling options are fine. Do work! A “Cindy” is: 5 pull-ups 10 push ups 15 air squats Any questions let us know. Here is the sheet...Read More
Want to learn how to make this awesome spaghetti squash dish? Here’s how to make this recipe courtesy of Progression Nutrition in 3 easy steps. Step 1! Grab your ingredients. We love Fresh Thyme for their great prices and selection of healthy foods, including the Caesar dressing used in this recipe! Step 2. Time to...Read More
Push Ups are the April 2019 Challenge. One circle per day(REP Based). Cross out the circle when complete. This challenge can be done anywhere! What constitutes a Push-up? Any variation counts. Video below! You don’t have to have push-ups to do this challenge, just have to work toward them. =-) “I already have Push-ups!” Good...Read More
Volume Intensity and Consistency. The case for volume. Do you have to take a day off after your typical training session? Sore? Volume sometimes gets a bad rap. For good reason. But if you are smart about your volume, you can get your results faster. Having hard days with high stress on your body, and...Read More
Hammer Race update. We run along. Counter normal. Kiss-off Mentality. You’re doing it wrong. Heroes RISE when Excuses Die. You got your burpees. I got my hammer. The Hammer Race will enter its next phase this spring. Bringing in some “Spartanesk” Obstacles to local race culture. Gone are the burpees. Bring in the bangers. The penalty...Read More
Routine or Consistency Consistency is King… Or is it routine? What is the difference? Consistency comes out of routine. I think many people struggle with consistency simply because their life is not conducive to a routine. Rotating shifts, random work schedules, spouses schedules, kids schedules, snow days. Routine makes everything easier. It will take...Read More
Pull-ups are the March Challenge. TWO circles per day(REP Based). Cross out the circle when complete. This challenge for most of us should be done in a gym. What constitutes a Pull-up. Any scaling variation counts. Video below! You don’t have to have pull-ups to do this challenge, just have to work toward them. =-)...Read More
I posted this article in the CrossFitters in Rochester MN group. I wanted to go a little more into detail. A blog post is the best place for that. Join the group! CrossFitters IN Roch! Here is the article in case you missed it. Push-up test article Main quote with what they did and what...Read More
The 2019 FNL starts next Friday, February 22nd. Follow this link to our Youtube page for a cool video on how everyone can participate. While you are there subscribe to our Youtube Channel for tons of awesome free fitness related content! To sign up a team click HERE NEW for 2019 CFP Kids Movie Night!...Read More