What brought you to Progression Fitness in Rochester MN? A good friend invited me to a friends and family day When do you usually work out? 5:30pm What is your favorite exercise movement? Cleans What is your most hated exercise movement? Ring Dips What is your clean food? Any lean meat What is your favorite...Read More
Murph is coming! Read the post and get ready for the biggest work out of the year in Rochester, MN. As a Progressionite, you love to hate Murph. One of the longest Hero WODs and arguably the hardest. If you have never participated in our Murph event, You should plan on it this year. May...Read More
February is here. A new month, a short month. The month before, the hope of spring starts swirling in our brains. It is a short month, this is good! Let’s plan our month and knock out that plan. Stay active and busy, practice better nutrition, and focus on a new hobby. Our last chance before...Read More
In Rochester, MN, Home of the Mayo Clinic, Med City, we call it. We still have a lot of work to do to improve our health and fitness. You have decided to focus on your health, or maybe you have been focused for some time. Many of you don’t know where to start, or if...Read More
The vast majority of people who don’t exercise think it is not for them. They may not have a good Gym experience in school, or maybe their families didn’t do much physical activity. Movement of some form is required for all of us. Our bodies are made to move. We know this because things go...Read More
Sarcopenia is the enemy. Attacking is the only option. There is no peace or negotiation. You must attack. At middle age, we start to lose up to 3% of our muscle mass per year. Think about that for a second. That is bad, really bad. Sarcopenia means lack of flesh. It starts to affect most...Read More
Many of us have individual goals above and beyond general physical fitness and health. Our group classes are excellent at getting you to these goals. Some people want and require more guidance. For these people, we created the ID program.Read More
You are marketed quick fixes—Thirty days to health programs and food elimination diets. “Man, once these thirty days are done, I am going to be so fit and healthy!” Does that even make sense? We know that your health markers start to deteriorate in as little as 5 days of not working out, and...Read More
Yesterday was part one of “How to be #1. You can read that post here. Today, we will start with movement because, honestly, it is the easiest, and it affects everything else. I used to teach a mind over mood group in the hospital. What I have found however that movement over mood works better....Read More
Mary is an RN, has two kids, a spouse, and works a full-time job. She feels like she barely has time to go to the bathroom. Jason is a contractor. He works long hours, sometimes weekends, and likes to spend time with his family. Kristina has older parents that need help frequently around the house....Read More