All Levels: A.) DeadLift 5×2 – build through out sets Function/Kettlebell: B.) 21-15-9 KB cleans or Swings (double 1.5/1) HR Push-ups Perform/RX: B.) 21-15-9 Power Cleans (95/65) Dips Compete: B.) “Elizabeth” 21-15-9 Power Cleans (135/95) Ring Dips -Results to BTWBRead More
Well, I feel like this photo speaks volumes pertaining to this (super)woman but read on and be mesmerized by the way she makes juggling a family, career, continuing education, and everyday life look like rainbows and unicorns. Ladies and gentlemen… I give you Melissa Kirby. What do you do for a living? I am the Business...Read More
Friends and family day Kettlebell: A.) EMOM 6 min. Odd – KB Front Squats x3 Even – Single arm KB Press x4 (L/R) B.) 15 min AMRAP 12 cal Bike 10 burpees 10 sit-ups 10 lunges Perform/RX: A.) EMOM 6 min. Odd – Front Squats x3 Even – Single arm KB Press x4 (L/R) (1.5...Read More
All Levels: A.) Bench Press 5×2 – Heaviest sets of the past 8 weeks Function: B.) 4 rounds 5 min per round 500 m row In remaining time do 30 sec plank ***negative splits on the rower. Perform/RX: B.) 4 rounds 5 min per round 500 m row In remaining time do 45 sec plank ***negative...Read More
All Levels: A.) Make Up Lift Turkish Get up or Back Squat suggested. Function: B.) For time: 1500 m row 40 Step ups 30 Heavy KB Power Swings Perform/RX: B.) For time: 2k row 40 Pistols 30 Hang Power Cleans (155/95) compete: B.) Regionals 12.2 For time: 2k row 50 Pistols 30 Hang Power Cleans...Read More
Function: A.) Double KB OHS 5×3 – after each set 40 single unders or Jumping jacks – rest 90 seconds. B.) On a running clock: 15-12-9 DB Thrusters Ring rows/Pull ups starting at 4:00 12 – 9 – 6 DB Thrusters Ring rows/Pull ups Perform/RX: A.) Double KB OHS 5×3 – after each set 30...Read More
Ever wonder if someone else is as scared as you are before a WOD? Ever feel like you’re too shy to meet new members like you know you should? Meet Stacie… She’s a newbie, a really cool chic, and your guide on how to successfully transition into CrossFit as a newbie. Why did you start CrossFit?...Read More
Function: A.) RDL’s 5×5 @ 60% B.) For time: w/partner, 1 person working at a time accumulate: 40 burpees 4 laps 40 HR Push-ups 4 laps 40 burpees Perform/RX: A.) RDL’s 5×5 @ 60% B.) For time: w/partner, 1 person working at a time accumulate: 60 burpees 6 laps 60 HR Push-ups 6 laps 60...Read More
Function: A.) Single Arm KB OHS 5×3 – inbetween sets Strict (HR) Push Ups (8/5) B.) 20 min EMOM 1st min: 1 shuttle sprint <-> 2nd min: 2 shuttle sprint <-> 3rd min: 3 shuttle sprint <-> and so on… once you fail start back at 1 Perform/RX: A.) Single Arm KB OHS 5×3 Raised...Read More