Fitness: A.)Strict press 8×7 @ 65% or less B.) 20 min AMRAP 10 DB Snatch 10 DB or KB lunges 10 Sit-ups Perform: A.) Strict press 8×10 @65% or less B.) 20 min AMRAP 10 DB Snatch 10 DB or KB lunges 10 T2B Compete: A.) Strict press 10×10 @65% or less B.) 20 min...Read More
Fitness Performance: Partner “Cindy” 20 min AMRAP Accumulate reps together 10 pull-ups 20 push-ups 30 air squats Competitor: 20 min AMRAP 5 hspu 10 pistols 15 pull-ups ***Can do individually or “you go, I go” with a partner*** C.) Front squats 5×5 3 sec pause on 1st 2 reps no bounce Heavy, but not max Read More
Fitness: A.) EMOM 15 min 1st min – 10 Russian swings 2nd min – 10 ball slams 3rd min – 3 cal Assault Bike B.) 3 rounds 20 DB sntach (10L/10R) 20 walking lunges in place Performance: A.) 1 rep max Snatch 20 min time cap Stop after 3 misses at the same weight B.) “Isabel”...Read More
WOD: A. Clean and Jerk 7 x 2 @ 90% B. 3 Rounds 7 OHS (95/65) 30 DU (2:1) 20m Crawl SPORT: A. Clean and Jerk 7 x 2 @ 90% B. 3 Rounds 7 OHS (115/85) 30 DU 30m Crawl –Results to CommentsRead More
All Levels: A.) make up Lift or Skill work Kettlebell: B.) 7 rounds 7 Double KB Push Press 7 Pull-ups (strict) 7 Burpees Perform: B.) 7 rounds 7 STO (135/95) 7 Pull-ups (Chest to bar) 7 Burpees Compete: B.) 7 rounds 7 STO (155/105) 7 C2B 7 Burpees Compete:Read More
Congrats to team CFP on their 13th place finish at the 2012 North Central Regional! Kettlebell classes start this week, check the schedule for our new hours. A. 5×1 – (1x Clean Deadlift, 1x Power Clean, 1x Hang Squat Clean, 1x Full Squat Clean) B. 3 Rounds AFAP 400m Run 21 Kettlebell Swings 50 Double...Read More