Performance: A. Back Squats 4 x 5 reps @ 70% B. 800m run 3 rounds of 20 walking Lunges 20 Wallball 20/14 20 HR PU then 800m run Sport: A. Back Squat 4 x 5 reps (2 pause/3 regular speed) B. 800m Run 3 rounds of 16 Front rack lunges (in place) 95/65 8/5 Burpee...Read More
All Levels: A.) make up Lift or Skill work Kettlebell: B.) 7 rounds 7 Double KB Push Press 7 Pull-ups (strict) 7 Burpees Perform: B.) 7 rounds 7 STO (135/95) 7 Pull-ups (Chest to bar) 7 Burpees Compete: B.) 7 rounds 7 STO (155/105) 7 C2B 7 Burpees Compete:Read More
-CFP is a proud sponsor for “Race for Research” which is being held this Saturday at Soldiers Field Park at 9am. Each year the Physical Therapy Students from Mayo Clinic joins a nation wide effort to raise money geared towards raising money for research in the field of physical therapy. This year, the Mayo School...Read More
Movement Warm-up Set 3 x Sets NFT 2 x <-> FAST Shuttle Run 1 x <-> FAST Backwards Run 10 x Medball Tosses (Over the pull-up bar) 10 x Medball Slams 10 x 1/2 GHD Sit-ups A. 4 x Sets UNBROKEN For time: 20 x Wallballs 20 x Kettlebell Swings 20 x Pull-ups...Read More
Movement Warm-up Set 500M Row 2 x Sets NFT <-> CartWheels <-> Waiters Walk (Switch arms half way through) <-> Fireman Carry with a partner (or Piggy Back) 10 x Push-ups (Close grip, keep a solid midline, rotate your elbows in as your chest lowers to the ground) A. 8 x 3 @ 60%-70%...Read More
Jeremy is a college student pursuing a career in the field of Sport Science/Medicine. Fitness has fascinated him from a young age. He has a passion for helping others and is willing to help the athletes at CFP reach their goals. In high school he competed in Track & Field for 2 years and has been active in Taekwondo for 11 years. He currently holds...Read More