You started out strong. You got stronger. Your motivation was high, you were getting better, you were consistent. You started feeling better, your friends and family noticed. Something changed. You got bored. Or maybe your gym got shut down. You got bored with the programming. You got bored with the diet. You got bored...Read More
Progression Fitness– After twelve years in business, we know how to achieve your long-term body composition and health goals This isn’t a theory, 100s of success stories. We have success in working with every type of person. Some people will have success with any program. You may even see this person in 3-4 different gym...Read More
Progression and Regent’s June 2021 challenge is Kettlebells swings. Complete the sheet and turn it into the gym for a badge! Here is the PDF: Kettlebell Swings! The Kettlebell swing: Progression Fitness and Regent Fitness are gyms located in Rochester Minnesota.Read More
At Progression in Rochester Minnesota, we want more members like you! The best way to do that is for you to bring your friends to show off your gym! We do this on the last Wednesday of every month, for every class! If Wednesday’s do not work for your friend. Let us know and we...Read More
“Abs Girl” This is “Abs girl.” This photo alone is responsible for millions of dollars in gym sales. This one photo got 1000s of people to buy stuff. Is she why you clicked on this post? But having showing ab muscles is not a sign of health or fitness. It is common in the young,...Read More
Happy Valentine’s day! The history of Valentine’s day is fascinating and worth a read today. You can read about it here. There are many legends of St. Valentine. My favorite is that he married Christian soldiers who were forbidden to marry and ministered to the persecuted Christians in the Roman Empire. I am a fan...Read More
CFPJ Band aid The J in our logo stands for the journey. Everyone’s journey is different. Everyone’s rewards are different. Some people work their way up from green circles to black diamonds; some people stay on the green circles. Some people are given green circles for everything in their life. You have choices in your...Read More
A lot of things are going to happen to you during your lifetime. A lot of those things are going to suck. To be successful, you need to learn to process the situation and filter through the sand for the gold. Once you find the gold, the next step is to throw out the sand....Read More
A lot of people I know work very hard at making sure everyone in their lives are ok. Did they get enough to eat? Do they have what is needed? Are they getting their homework done? Are they safe at work? Are they making healthy choices? Does this sound like you? If so, take a...Read More
Momentum Monday is the process of setting up what you want to get done in the week ahead. Simple as writing down your goals for the week and checking them off as you get them done. Planning your week works much better than finding or not finding motivation for what you are doing randomly during...Read More