
One of the options at Progression Fitness and now Regent Fitness, in Rochester MN, is Flex online coaching. Originally the Flex program was developed for the person who lived too far from the gym or traveled for work. The Flex client meets with a coach 1-2 times a month at the gym. The client usually...
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Sunday today, new fresh snow to explore, so I will keep this short.   Research on over 300,000 people has shown that specific things make us happy. And they may not be what you think. Here are 3 of the things the studies showed.  Activity. Doing things that require movement and physical activity is shown to...
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What percentage of a person’s ideas and beliefs must you agree with to agree with them.  Do all your friends agree with you 100%? If not, are you ok being their friend?    I find myself pretty evenly split on my friend realm. I have friends who disagree with each other significantly, and I have...
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In the Sisyphus story, Sisyphus was punished for his wickedness by being forced to roll a boulder up a hill for eternity. Is it a fair trade to roll a boulder up a hill to live forever? Is a life of misery a life worth living? Don’t struggle with the questions too long. The answer...
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Documentation of the highest I have ever jumped! =-) Having something to work toward is one of the proven ways to stay active and moving forward in your health and fitness. It is that time of year to start planning. We don’t know how much will happen this spring and summer, but events are starting...
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One can only battle the waves for so long. Eventually, the waves will win. Burnout happens when the waves win. We can not battle daily.  The key to preventing burnout is to learn to go with the waves or eventually learning to surf. In our work, if the way our day-to-day is set up or...
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Who are your Joneses? Keeping up with the Joneses was a common saying when I was young. Maybe this saying is still used. Judging by Seth Godin’s blog this morning, I guess it must be. Where I lived in Wykoff, MN, there was a family with the last name of Jones. So I was pretty...
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The first full week of the year 2021 is gone. A great time to dig deep into your reason for being. Why do you do the things you do? Why do you go to work? Why do you stay at home with the kids? Why do you go to the gym? Why do you not...
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So you want to join a gym. Here is the best way.  Figure out what you want. Take some time with this one. We can help you figure out what you want when we meet with you. Most gyms can’t. Most gyms will show you the place and then try to get your payment info. ...
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How is your Fitness Journey going? Could it be less bumpy? Here are some mistakes you may be making. Mistake #1: Your form is crap, and you don’t even know it. Poor movement will slow everything you do in life. Increased risk of injury is also your fitness buddy. Fix your form. Mistake #2: Nutrition...
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