Have you ever prepared for a difficult challenge of any sort and then felt a letdown after the event or test? For many of us, this is very normal. Figuring that out is the first step to understanding. Our species did not get to where we are by being satisfied with the status quo. The...Read More
What brought you to Progression Fitness in Rochester MN? A good friend invited me to a friends and family day When do you usually work out? 5:30pm What is your favorite exercise movement? Cleans What is your most hated exercise movement? Ring Dips What is your clean food? Any lean meat What is your favorite...Read More
At Progression your results are guaranteed. You don’t need a specific goal, but it helps if you have one. My favorite saying is getting through the doors is all it takes to get fit. The main difference between our gym and others is that fact. Your fitness is not guaranteed if you join most gyms....Read More
Murph is coming! Read the post and get ready for the biggest work out of the year in Rochester, MN. As a Progressionite, you love to hate Murph. One of the longest Hero WODs and arguably the hardest. If you have never participated in our Murph event, You should plan on it this year. May...Read More
Sarcopenia is the enemy. Attacking is the only option. There is no peace or negotiation. You must attack. At middle age, we start to lose up to 3% of our muscle mass per year. Think about that for a second. That is bad, really bad. Sarcopenia means lack of flesh. It starts to affect most...Read More
Many of us have individual goals above and beyond general physical fitness and health. Our group classes are excellent at getting you to these goals. Some people want and require more guidance. For these people, we created the ID program.Read More
You may not know Megan, but the likelihood is you have seen her around the gym. She has been putting in a lot of hard work – and it is paying off BIG TIME! We are so happy to be a part of Megan’s journey and to be able to share it with our community....Read More
Your metabolism is the rate at which your body burns energy. Your body uses calories for energy, like your car uses gas for fuel. You need calories to power your body’s systems, such as digestion and circulation. But you also need calories to move. When you eat too many calories, you store them as fat....Read More
You started out strong. You got stronger. Your motivation was high, you were getting better, you were consistent. You started feeling better, your friends and family noticed. Something changed. You got bored. Or maybe your gym got shut down. You got bored with the programming. You got bored with the diet. You got bored...Read More
Cool Coaches, past and present. Progression Fitness in Rochester MN exists to help people improve their health and fitness. Fitness and health are vital to living our lives to the fullest. In today’s world, we struggle to keep these things in balance with all of life’s struggles and I got into the fitness industry for...Read More