Function: A) Double KB OHS 7×2 B.) 10 min AMRAP 1 KB Snatch + 1 OHS Run to grass and back 2 KB Snatch + 2 OHS Run to grass and back 3 KB Snatch + 3 OHS and so on… *alternate arms each round Perform/RX: A.) OHS 7×2 * From Squat Rack B.) 10...Read More
ALL Levels! A.) 7 rounds with partner: – Carry pumpkin across lot – Sprint back Partner does the opposite ____ PUMPKIN NEVER TOUCHES THE GROUND Rotate through all 3 AMRAP’s, rest 3 min after the 3rd one and then repeat all 3 B.) With a partner 3 min AMRAP Partner 1: 5 cal bike Partner 2:...Read More
1. Focus on breathing. Sounds simple, until you’re 2 rounds in and you’re WOD drunk. 2. Break up sets. A 21-15-9 workout is nice to break up sets in thirds. Truth be told, how you break up your sets in a metcon workout isn’t as important as breaking before you get to muscle failure. More breaks could end...Read More
Function: A.) DB- KB Front Squat w/ Pause 5×2 *In between Sets 3 strict Chin Ups B.) 21-15-9 DB Thrusters SDHP w/KB Box Overs (24/20) Perform/RX: A.) Front Squat w/ Pause 5×2 *Pause on all 2 reps for 3 sec. *In between Sets 3 strict Chin Ups B.) 15-12-9 Thrusters (95/65) SDHP (95/65) Box Jump...Read More
Function: A.) 8 min. EMOM Snatch 3 (L/R) B.) 2 rounds w/partner 25 Dbl KB DL 25 cal row 25 Air Squats Perform/RX: A.) 8 min. EMOM 2x Snatch B.) 2 rounds w/partner 25 DL (135/95) 25 cal row 25 OHS (45/35) 1 partner does whole round, then switch, perform 2 rounds each Compete: A.)...Read More
Function: A.) Double KB OHS 5×3 B.) 4 min AMRAP 4 KB Snatch 4 KB OHS 4 Burpees *alternate arms each round Rest 4 min and repeat Perform/RX: A.) OHS 5×3 * From Squat Rack B.) 4 min AMRAP 4 Squat Snatch (95/65) 4 Bar over Burpees Rest 4 min and repeat Compete: A.) OHS...Read More
Have you ever had a WOD bring you to tears? Do you want Chipotle to replace all of your meals? Well you’re not alone. Stephanie is anything but ordinary but I bet you’ll find you’ve got a lot in common with her. J: What do you do for a living? S: I work in Patient...Read More
Function: A.) Bent Over Row 5×8 *HEAVY BB Supine grip Single Leg RDL’s 5×5 * Barbell Supine Grip B.) With a partner accumulate 100 Wallball Sit-ups 100 Double KB Push Press (1.5/1) Perform/RX: A.) Bent Over Row 5×8 *HEAVY BB Supine grip Single Leg RDL’s 5×5 * Barbell Supine Grip B.) With a partner accumulate...Read More
All Levels: A.) Back Squat w/ Pause 5x3reps *Pause on all reps for 3 seconds’ *In between Sets 3 strict Chin Ups Function: B.) 3 rounds 20 ring rows 20 dips 20 air squats Perform/RX: B.) 3 rounds 20 pull ups 20 dips 20 pistols Compete: B.) 3 rounds 30 C2B 30 dips 30 pistols Results to...Read More
There are a lot of people who go through life passing up opportunities due to a variety of reasons, including fear of failure. But most people just regret the things they never tried when they look back on their lives. Jandra isn’t one of those people. She sets goals. And she crushes them. All while...Read More