Function: A.) DB KB Front Squats 5×5 * 3 strict C2B Pull ups between sets B.) 4 rounds 10 Pull-ups 14 DB Snatch (45/30) 21 Cal Row Perform/RX: A.) Front Squats 5×2 * 3 strict C2B Pull ups between sets B.) 4 rounds 3 Muscle Ups or 10 C2B 14 DB Snatch (55/35) 21 Cal...Read More
Function: A.) Turkish Get up 4×2 Inbetween sets 10 Split Squats (5L/5R) (light weight) B.) For time: Run 800 m then… 3 rounds KB Front Rack Lunge <-> 30 Sit-ups then… 800 m run Perform/RX: A.) Snatch Balance 4×2 In between sets 10 Split Squats (5L/5R) B.) For time: Run 800 m then… 3 rounds...Read More
Friends and Family Day! All Levels: A.) Back Squat 5×3 *add 5-10 lb. from previous weeks Function: B.) 5 rounds Sled Pull <-> in parking lot (70/35) 50 Single unders 10 Burpee Rest as needed between rounds Perform/RX: B.) 5 rounds Sled Pull <-> in parking lot (90/45) 30 Dubs 10 Burpee Rest as...Read More
Function: A.) KB Snatch 4×2 (L/R) B.) 8 rounds 10 KB Snatch (5L/5R)(10 Swings Sub) 15 Air Squats 10 Cal Row Perform/RX: A.) Snatch 4×2 B.) 8 rounds 2 Heavy Squat Snatch 6 Pistols 10 Cal Row Compete: A.) Snatch 4×2 B.) 8 rounds 2 Squat Snatch (185/125) 6 Pistols 10 Cal Ski Results to...Read More
Function: A.) DB KB Front Squats 7×3 w/ pause 1st rep * 3 strict C2B Pull ups between B.) 9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 HSPU or KB Push Press Double KB Front Squat Double KB Deadlift Perform/RX A.) Front Squats 7×3 w/ pause 1st rep * 3 strict C2B Pull ups between sets Or….. Make Up Lift B.) 9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1...Read More
Function: Turkish Get up 5×2 L/R B.) 3 rounds 30 steps ups 7 Double KB Clean and push press Perform/RX: A.) Snatch Balance 5×3 * gradually add *end goal is to do more than your 1 rep max snatch B.) “Double Hanger” Games Masters Event 3 rounds 70 Dubs 7 Hang power CJ (135/95) Compete:...Read More
Function: A.) Double DB/KB press 5×5 *In between sets 10 pistols B.) 15 min AMRAP 15 Wallballs (20/14) 15 Cal Row 15 Burpees Perform/RX A.) Strict Press (front rack) 5×5 *In between sets 10 pistols B.) 15 min AMRAP 15 Wallballs (20/14) 15 Cal Row 15 Burpees Compete: A.) Strict Press (front rack) 5×5 *In...Read More
By Jenna Martindale We’ve covered how to treat rips in the past but today we’re giving you some tips on how to prevent them all together. Can anyone else hear Josh’s voice echoing something about chalk in the woods? Whether you’re a chalk monster or not, there are a few things you can...Read More
Function: A.) BackSquats 7×5 B.) For time: 400 m run 45 KB DL 400 m run 30 Goblet Squat 400 m run 15 Dbl KB Front Squat Perform/RX: A.) BackSquats 7×5 B.) For time: 400 m run 45 Back Squats (95/65) 400 m run 30 Front Squats (95/65) 400 m run 15 OHS (95/65) Compete:...Read More